Fish Tank Tutorials

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These tutorials are still under construction.

Your account

Once you’ve logged in for the first time, you will see the main Member Home Page, also known as your “to-do” page. This is the center of all your Fish Tank activities.

At the bottom of your Fish Tank home page, you’ll find an “Account information” link. Click on this link to see the details about your Fish Tank account.

You can change several things about your account in the account page. You can change your password or your Display Name. If you change email addresses, you can update your email address here, too.

You can also choose not to receive email from other Fish Tank members.

Note that if you clear the “Permit other members to send you email” check box, no one will be able to communicate with you except through the Fish Tank forums.

You can also add your member profile here. Say a paragraph or two about yourself so the other members know you better.

By default, we display story text in a format similar to printed books, i.e., paragraphs are indented with no blank line between paragraphs.

Some people prefer a blank line between paragraphs. You can change this setting here.

Your account page is also where you can go to withdraw from the Fish Tank.
